Updates to unpaid invoice payment flow and invoice payment method
The following updates are implemented only for marketplaces that have the Adaptive Invoicing (Invoice view version 2) configured:
- If you choose to pay the unpaid invoices from the notifications on MyApps page, it redirects you to the invoice listing page where all the unpaid invoices are listed. Previously this action would redirect you to the checkout flow to pay the unpaid invoices. To pay the unpaid invoices from the list of unpaid invoices:
- Click Pay Invoice in the table directly.
Or - Click on an invoice to inspect it, and pay it from the invoice detail page.
- Click Pay Invoice in the table directly.
- Invoice detail page is updated to allow you to change the default payment method or payment method type directly from the invoice. You can click the Change button in the Billing details section of the invoice to update the payment method.
Feature enablement
The feature is enabled by default.
Setting enablement
No setting enablement is required.
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